Info for businesses

Info for businesses

Businesses can support customers, employees and ParkSJ


Businesses wishing to offer patrons validations beyond the first 90 minutes must “opt in” with the City Department of Transportation. The cost to businesses will be $1 per 15 minutes or $4 per hour. Contact the City’s parking operator at (408) 794-1090.


Discounted Downtown Employee Parking Permit

The City of San Jose offers a Discounted Downtown Employee Parking Permit to employees working downtown earning less than 30% over the current minimum wage.
  • Fast Food Workers: $26.00/hour (effective April 1, 2024) – Statewide minimum wage $20.00 x 30% ($6.00) above minimum = $26.00
  • All Others: $23.34/hour (effective January 1, 2025) – City of San Jose minimum wage $17.95 x 30% ($5.39) above minimum = $23.34

Apply for the program at: Before receiving the discount, employment and wage information will be verified during the application process.

Promoting Parking in DTSJ

Parking in Downtown San Jose doesn’t have to be a hassle! With resources like, visitors can easily locate parking spots that fit their needs. This toolkit provides downtown businesses, arts groups and events with the resources needed to promote the convenience of downtown parking, including real-time availability updates, parking maps, and information about affordable options such as 90 minutes of free parking at select ParkSJ garages. 


Cut and paste onto your websites:

90 Minutes of FREE Parking is available to all downtown visitors parking in the following garages: