Monthly Parking

Monthly Parking

Monthly parking is available at many ParkSJ facilities, including

95 N. Third St.,
north of Santa Clara Street
Open 24 hours

44 S. Fourth St.,
at San Fernando Street
Open 24 hours

280 S. Second St.,
north of San Carlos Street
Open 24 hours

45 N. Market St.,
north of Santa Clara Street
Open 24 hours

Monthly Rate

For details on rates, availability and other city facilities, call the City’s parking operator at (408) 794-1090, email or go to the parking operator’s office, 45 N. Market St. Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Discounted Downtown Employee Parking Permit

The City of San Jose offers a Discounted Downtown Employee Parking Permit to employees working downtown earning less than 30% over the current minimum wage.
  • Fast Food Workers: $26.00/hour (effective April 1, 2024) – Statewide minimum wage $20.00 x 30% ($6.00) above minimum = $26.00
  • All Others: $23.34/hour (effective January 1, 2025) – City of San Jose minimum wage $17.95 x 30% ($5.39) above minimum = $23.34
Apply for the program at: Before receiving the discount, employment and wage information will be verified during the application process.